17 | JUL . 2024


Tobacco exports soar 7.65% in the first half of the year 

Expectation is for tobacco exports to outstrip the results in dollar terms in 2024. In 2023, tobacco represented 11% of the total shipments in Rio Grande do Sul

July 2024 – After the flood in May that left its mark in the history of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, signs of recovery are beginning to emerge. As far as agribusiness goes, tobacco gains prominence, as attested by MDIC/ComexStat data, presented at the 73rd meeting held by the Sectoral Chamber of the tobacco supply chain, this Wednesday, July 17.

The president of the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco), Iro Schünke, exhibited the tobacco export panorama of the first half of year 2024. Brazil has been the top tobacco exporter since 1993, and ships abroad, according to historical averages, more than 500 thousand metric tons a year, bringing revenue of US$ 2 billion, annually.

According to MDIC/ComexStat sources, from January to June, the considerable amount of 195,261 tons were shipped abroad, down 8.82% from the same period in 2023. In dollar terms, it reached US$ 1.24 billion, up 7.65% if compared with the previous year. China, Belgium, the United States, Indonesia and Egypt have been the top importers up to the moment.

“In 2023, tobacco represented 11% of all exports by the State of Rio Grande do Sul and, in 2024, this representativeness is likely to go up further. The expectation is that we are going to export a smaller volume, due to the smaller size of the crop, but with revenue increasing by 10% to 15% in dollar terms. Within this context, the sector will certainly contribute towards a trade surplus in Rio Grande do Sul”, Schünke comments.

FLOOD IN RS – The president of SindiTabaco also presented the results of the survey conducted by the entity jointly with the associate companies focused on the damages suffered by the tobacco farmers caused by the floods in May. The numbers reveal that 75 tobacco producing municipalities were hit, adversely affecting 1,929 farmers, one way or another, with losses estimated to amount to R$ 95 million. According to Schünke, losses could have been even more serious. “Tobacco played a decisive role in mitigating the losses of the small-scale farmers, where two factors contributed toward it: by the end of April, most farmers had already delivered their tobacco to the dealers, because it was a smaller crop, and the high prices fetched by the crop”, he commented. “We regret the one-off losses of some municipalities and tobacco farmers, but we are confident that the size of the tobacco crop in the most affected areas shall remain close to the estimated projections for the 2024/25 growing season,” Schünke argues.

Take a look at the complete survey

ABOUT THE CHAMBER – Promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa), the Sectoral Chamber, on a periodic basis, promotes a meeting of the main leaderships of the tobacco sector. At the meeting, Edimilson Alves, executive manager at Abifumo, was nominated new consultant of the Sectoral Chamber. The next meeting has been scheduled for October 30.

Contact with the press


Daniella Turano – daniella.turano@andall.ag – (11) 98596-7477

Eliana Stülp Kroth – eliana.stulp@andall.ag – (51) 99667-7405

Roberta Sena – roberta.sena@andall.ag – (11) 98435-6712

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(51) 99667-7405

22 | JUN . 2024


At 77 years of age, SindiTabaco launches paper 'Controversial issue, counterpoint necessary'

Deconstructing the narratives about the production of tobacco in Brazil has been one of the great objectives of the union that completes 77 years fighting on behalf of the tobacco supply chain, on the 24th of June.

June 2024 – Over the decades, especially in recent years, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) has adapted in order to more efficiently comply with the mission to represent the common interests of the associate companies and defend the sustainability of the supply chain. In order to celebrate the 77th anniversary, SindiTabaco launched the document 'Controversial issue, counterpoint necessary'. In 54 pages, the document addresses the history of tobacco in Brazil and the most relevant numbers of the supply chain. Its great objective, however, is to challenge themes which are not always duly contextualized and end up being treated as contradictions by society.

“The tobacco supply chain is one of the most organized and advanced in Brazilian agriculture, with initiatives that set an example to other sectors. Not rarely, however, it is left aside in terms of agribusiness. The launch of this document has the purpose to demystify and provide the necessary counterpoint to those who insist in refusing to state the obvious: tobacco is agro!”, Iro Schünke, SindiTabaco president since 2006, reinforces.

Questions like indebtedness, monoculture, deforestation, the use of pesticides, suicides, green tobacco sickness, child labor and slave labor, are themes addressed by the paper now beginning to circulate among the main stakeholders of the entity, in printed format, but it is also available on line at site www.sinditabaco.com.br.

“Over the years we have given visibility to the social and economic importance of the sector to hundreds of municipalities in South Brazil and we have promoted a series of initiatives about agricultural practices that turn Brazilian tobacco into one of the most demanded in the world. In the meantime, we have suffered uninterrupted attacks on account of the finished product, which is legal and an adult choice. Not rarely, we witness antismoking activists attacking the production of tobacco, and the list of attacks has been gradually expanded over the years. From polluters to slavers, are some of the biased written lines. It is about them we are talking”, the chief officer comments.

Read in its integrity: Controversial Issue, Counterpoint Necessary


Communication is one of the pillars of the SindiTabaco, and the entity always seeks to strengthen the dialogue with all the links of the supply chain and society. Building a social media presence contributes towards achieving this objective, and all the information about the sector is disseminated through a new channel: LinkedIn. “It will be a strategic channel to disclose the social and economic importance of the sector, besides highlighting sustainability initiatives, social and environmental programs, as well as the results of this agribusiness segment”, Schünke commemorates.

ABOUT SINDITABACO – Founded on 24th June 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), in the Pardo River Valley, largest tobacco production and processing center in the world. Initially known as Tobacco Industry Union, the entity expanded its scope over the years and, since 2010, it began to comprise the entire national territory, except Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Paulo. The initiatives of the entity are mostly concentrated in the South Region of the Country, where more than 98% of Brazilian tobacco is produced, with the involvement of 500 thousand people in the rural area, in 490 municipalities.

Contact with the press
Daniella Turano – daniella.turano@andall.ag – (11) 98596-7477
Eliana Stülp Kroth – eliana.stulp@andall.ag – (51) 99667-7405
Roberta Sena – roberta.sena@andall.ag – (11) 98435-6712

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(51) 99667-7405

7 | JUN . 2024


Losses from the flood suffered by the tobacco farmers in Rio Grande do Sul exceed R$ 95 million

Survey concluded that 75 tobacco producing municipalities were affected by the catastrophic floods in May. A recovery plan has already been put into force and the expectation is for the maintenance of the result predicted for the upcoming crop year.     June 2024 – The flood of unheard proportions that hit the State of Rio Grande do Sul in early May this year and changed the lives of thousands of people, caused losses to nearly two thousand tobacco farmers. This was the conclusion reached by the survey conducted by the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) and the associate companies. In this Thursday, June 6, the president of SindiTabaco had a meeting with the board of directors of the Tobacco Growers' Association of Brazil (Afubra) and representatives of the Federation of Agricultural Workers (FETAG-RS) and the Rio Grande do Sul State Federation of Agriculture (FARSUL), in order to present and analyze the numbers.   According to SindiTabaco president Iro Schünke, the research reflects the reality of the last two weeks of May, at a time in which it was still difficult to access the areas and to communicate with the people of many districts. “Based on available information, we calculated the damages in an approximate manner, so as to dimension the amount of loss”, the officer explains.    In all,1,929 rural properties were hit by the severe flood in 75 municipalities covered by the survey. In terms of affected farmers, the municipalities that comprise the biggest number are as follows: Candelária, where 214 tobacco farmers suffered losses, followed by Agudo (136), Barros Cassal (132), Venâncio Aires (116), Arroio do Tigre (101), Gramado Xavier (96), Segredo (89), Boqueirão do Leão (78), Ibarama (71), Passa Sete (69), Sinimbu (67), Fontoura Xavier (63), Lagoão (63), Santa Cruz do Sul (61), Vera Cruz (58) and Paraíso do Sul (50).   Considering an estimated loss amount, the ten municipalities that endured biggesst losses were Venâncio Aires (R$ 18.3 million), Candelária (R$ 16.52 million), Agudo (R$ 6.35 million), Ibarama (R$ 5.96 million), Santa Cruz do Sul (R$ 4.57 million), Vera Cruz (R$ 3.83 million), Paraíso do Sul (R$ 3.36 million), Sinimbu (R$ 2.98 million), Cruzeiro do Sul (R$ 2.47 million) and Arroio do Tigre (R$ 2.45 million).   The survey also demonstrated that 96% of the affected farmers intend to continue producing tobacco. “We need to provide the conditions that make it possible for them to carry on with their activities in the upcoming crop year and, within this context, the associate companies have already replaced the necessary inputs to restore the 2.070 seedbeds of lost seedlings, an investment that amounts to approximately R$ 1.6 million. We are confident that, in spite of this tragedy, the production of tobacco in the affected areas should remain close to the projections estimated for the 2024/25 growing season, now still at its initial stage”, Schünke comments.   According to the chief executive officer, the industry and the tobacco farmers’ representatives are doing their best in an attempt to minimize losses, but public policies will be necessary to meet any emergent needs of the farmers, particularly with regard to access to credit lines for the maintenance and reconstruction of facilities, homes, curing barns and sheds. “Within this context, we believe that the representation of the farmers is an important ally to act as go-between when it comes to getting support from government organs at this moment of reconstruction, especially considering that the tobacco farmers grow diversified crops, as they also plant food crops like corn, bean, soybean and rice”, Schünke agues.   MAIN SURVEY RESULTS 1,929 farmers affected 2,070 seedbeds lost 1,428 hectares lost [arable land] 285 tons of fertilizers lost 848 tons is the estimated production loss in the 2024/25 growing season   Curing barns (curing facilities) 222 partial losses 129 total losses   Sheds 178 partial losses  87 total losses   Residential damages 140 with up to 30% loss 126 with losses from 30% to 70% 86 with total loss   Municipalities hit Agudo, Anta Gorda, Arroio do Tigre, Arvorezinha, Barra da Fortaleza, Barros Cassal, Bom Retiro do Sul, Boqueirão do Leão, Caiçara, Candelária, Canudos do Vale, Casca, Cerro Branco, Ciríaco, Coqueiro Baixo, Cruzeiro do Sul, Davi Canabarro, Dona Francisca, Doutor Ricardo, Encruzilhada, Estrela Velha, Faxinal do Soturno, Fontoura Xavier, Formoso, General Câmara, Gramado Xavier, Herveiras, Ibarama, Ibiraiaras, Ilópolis, Itaara, Itapuca, Ivorá, Jacuizinho, Jaguari, Lagoa Bonita do Sul, Lagoão, Liberato Salzano, Marques de Souza, Nova Bréscia, Nova Palma, Novo Cabrais, Novo Paraiso, Novo Tiradentes, Palmitinho, Paraíso do Sul, Passa Sete, Passo do Sobrado, Pinhal Grande, Planalto, Pouso Novo, Progresso, Putinga, Relvado, Restinga Seca, Rio Pardo, Salto do Jacuí, Santa Clara do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Lúcia, Santa Maria, São José do Herval, São Pedro do Sul, Segredo, Sério, Sinimbu, Sobradinho, Tunas, Tupanciretã, Vale do Sol, Vale Verde, Venâncio Aires, Vera Cruz, Vespasiano Correa and Volta Grande.   ABOUT SINDITABACO – Founded in 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), region of the Rio Pardo River Valley, largest tobacco production and processing center in the world. By representing the interests of 14 associate companies, the entity gives visibility to the social and economic importance of the sector to hundreds of municipalities across the South Region of Brazil and promotes a series of actions that turn Brazilian tobacco into one of the most demanded in the world.    TOBACCO IN BRAZIL – The numbers attest to the great importance of tobacco in the Brazilian agribusiness scenario. Since 1993, Brazil has hold the position of leading global tobacco exporter. According to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC/ComexStat), Brazil shipped abroad 512 thousand tons of tobacco in 2023, bringing in revenue of US$ 2.729 billion. In all, 107 countries purchased the product, where the highlight was the European Union with 42% of the total, followed by the Far East (31%), Africa/Middle East (11%), North America (8%) and Latin America (8%). Belgium, China, the United States and Indonesia continue in the ranking of major importers. The share of tobacco in exports amounted to 0.80% in Brazil, 4.51% in the South Region and, in Rio Grande do Sul, top tobacco producer state, it reached 11.19%. Know more at www.sinditabaco.com.br       Visualize all the images in high resolution SindiTabaco eliana.stulp@andall.ag  (51) 99667-7405  

6 | JUN . 2024


Day against child labor: more than thousand reasons to celebrate

Day against child labor: more than thousand reasons to celebrate With an innovative format, Growing Up Right Institute fights child labor offering a professional qualification program to adolescents in the rural setting. June 2024 – The 12th of June, very remembered as Valentine’s Day, is also a day of reflection on child labor. For some sectors, as is the case of tobacco, work is only allowed from the age of eighteen onward. In the cities, these adolescents have access to different qualification models, but in the rural areas opportunities are scarce.    “When we started the awareness program on the theme, advising the farmers about the ban on the use of minors under 18 years old on tobacco farming activities, we were thoroughly questioned by farmers who got concerned about the idleness of their children. Many of these teenagers, aged 14 or over, are beginning to express their interest in earning income. We tried to get answers from public authorities, but very little was achieved”, SindiTabaco president Iro Schünke recalls.     It was at that moment that we figured out a solution. With financial support from the companies associated with SindiTabaco, and intellectual support from great minds joining efforts towards the same purpose, the Growing Up Right Institute was idealized in 2014 and founded on the 23rd of April 2015. At the moment, nine years in operation, the Growing Up Right Institute has already qualified upwards of one thousand teenagers, in 20 municipalities in the South Region of Brazil, which were the venue for 54 groups that attended the Rural Professional Learning Program.   With the quotas of the associate companies and supporters, and from all industries of the tobacco sector, the Growing Up Right Institute provides teenage farm boys and girls, aged 14 – 17, coming from tobacco producing families, with a contract as young apprentices for them to attend the Rural Entrepreneurship and Rural Administration course, in the shift opposite to regular school hours, thus keeping them away from activities improper for their age.    “What makes the big difference is the innovative format created by the Institute, validated by the Ministry of Labor, which uses the Learning Law to remunerate the rural teenagers while they get qualified in their own communities. It is a powerful weapon in the fight against child labor and, to some extent, responsible for the decrease in rural exodus, considering that the entire content of the course is focused on the reality where they live and ends up changing the perception of the participants on the opportunities the farm itself and the community offer. I get emotional for the objectives we are accomplishing”, Shünke stresses, and he is also the president of the Institute.   Pay attention to the statement given by Iro Schünke about the initiatives of the Growing Up Right Institute on youtube.com/sinditabaco   Know more: www.crescerlegal.com.br  

10 | MAY . 2024


How integration and solidarity will get the State of Rio Grande do Sul back on track

May 2024 – The biggest flood in history that hit the State of Rio Grande do Sul in early May and changed the lives of thousands of people is likely to engender worrisome consequences. People from hundreds of municipalities were hit by flash floods and suffered losses, some of them beyond repair. Amid the chaos, solidarity and integration have played a fundamental role in specifying the path to reconstruction. The Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) and all its associate companies have acted accordingly. The following are some of the initiatives taken by them and are being carried out in the midst of this public calamity faced by the State of Rio Grande do Sul, particularly in the Rio Pardo Valley region:

  • No interruption to the remuneration of the employees unable to commute to work due to difficulties caused by flash floods;
  • Donations include Basic Food Baskets, cleaning supplies, hygiene kits and furniture, for both affected collaborators and family members of affected collaborators;
  • Personal loans to collaborators during the reconstruction period;
  • Mental health initiatives, with support from psychologists;
  • Volunteering teams granted a leave of absence in order to join cleaning services that include houses, schools and community areas;
  • The following items were provided: power generators, water tanks, as well as boats and vehicles for rescuing stranded people and animals;
  • Direct contact with public organs responsible for meeting all major demands of the municipalities in their fight against the difficulties.
Most operations of the companies came to a standstill early in the afternoon on Friday, April 30, and were gradually resumed this week. “This is a crisis of an unprecedented degree, in which basic services are in jeopardy, like the lack of drinkable water and scarce communication. Our associate companies refer to the great difficulty in contacting the employees in the impacted regions. Alternative communication channels were put at the disposal of the collaborators, including special forms for them to report their situations”, says SindiTabaco president Iro Schünke. In addition to handling their employees with care, the industries are figuring out a recovery plan involving the integrated tobacco farmers. “The tobacco sector is acknowledged by agribusiness as a solidly integrated system. It is through this system that we will be able to have a good grasp of the needs of the small scale tobacco farmers in the most affected rural regions. The past tobacco crop was highly profitable, which is very important for this reconstruction moment. The upcoming tobacco crop is in its initial phase and we are going to do a survey to come to grips with the losses that occurred. Just like what happened during the Covid-19 pandemic, we are going to move forward with resilience, joining efforts towards what has to be done”, Schünke comments. ABOUT SINDITABACO – Founded in 1947, the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) is based in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), Rio Pardo Valley region, largest tobacco production and processing hub in the world. As a representative of the common interests of the 14 associated companies, the Entity gives visibility to the social and economic importance of the sector for hundreds of municipalities in the South Region of Brazil and promotes a series of initiatives relative to practices that turn Brazilian Tobacco into one of the most demanded worldwide.  ASSOCIATE COMPANIES Alliance One Brasil Exportadora de Tabacos Ltda. ATC - Associated Tobacco Company Brasil Exportação e Importação de Tabaco Ltda. BAT Brasil Brasfumo Indústria Brasileira de Fumos S.A. China Brasil Tabacos Exportadora S.A. CTA – Continental Tobaccos Alliance S.A. JTI Processadora de Tabaco do Brasil Ltda. OTC Comércio e Fabricação de Fumos Ltda. Philip Morris Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda. Premium Tabacos do Brasil S.A. ProfiGen do Brasil Ltda. Tabacos Marasca Ltda. Universal Leaf Tabacos Ltda. UTC Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Tabaco Ltda. TOBACCO IN BRAZIL– The numbers attest to the great importance of tobacco in the agribusiness scenario in South Brazil. Since 1993, Brazil has maintained its position as top global tobacco exporter. According to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC/ComexStat), Brazil shipped abroad 512 thousand metric tons of Tobacco in 2023, bringing in revenue of US$ 2.729 billion. In all, 107 countries imported the product, and the highlight was the European Union and accounted for 42% of the total shipments, followed by the Far East (31%), Africa/Middle East (11%), North America (8%) and South America (8%). Belgium, China, the United States and Indonesia continue on the list of major importers. Tobacco’s share in exports reached 0.80% in Brazil, 4.51% in the South Region and, in Rio Grande do Sul, state that is the top producer, it amounted to 11.19%. Know more at  
www.sinditabaco.com.br SindiTabaco eliana.stulp@andall.ag (51) 99667-7405

27 | MAR . 2024


Expoagro Afubra hosts forum on diversification focused on forest production

II Rio Pardo Valley Regional Forum on Forests brought together specialists from the Federal University of Santa Maria and from SindiTabaco to debate on the challenges faced by the small-scale farmers regarding energy self-sufficiency, as well as turning forest production into a source of income. March 2024 – Intended to be an environment of exchanges and opportunities  that potentiate diversification initiatives, the II Rio Pardo Valley Regional Forum on Forests  was held this Friday, March 22, during the program of Expoagro AFubra 2024, in Rio Pardo (RS). With the subject matter “Integrate, strengthen and promote the development of the forest supply chain”, the event relied on the participation of SindiTabaco technical advisor Fernanda Viana Bender. She presented a list of the main initiatives carried out by the tobacco sector on behalf of the preservation of native forests and energy self-sufficiency over the past decades, providing specific details on the program Initiatives towards Forest Sustainability in Tobacco Farming, held since 2019, in partnership with the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). The aim of the program consists in cultivating energy trees to meet the needs of the tobacco farmers, whilst preserving native forests. Through 22 demonstration units established in Rio Grande do Sul, the UFSM research team, coordinated by PhD holder Jorge Antônio de Farias, from the UFSM, are testing the management of fast growing trees, and the results are disclosed in informative videos that contribute towards maximizing the results. All videos produced so far can be accessed at youtube.com.br/sinditabaco. According to Fernanda Bender, from SindiTabaco, the industries are making strides in terms of forest production knowledge. “Besides the farmers, the agriculture extension agents of the companies associated with the SindiTabaco equally take advantage of the program’s knowledge on the subject matter, whether through publicity materials or through technical visits to our demonstration units. Of course, there are still things we have to learn in the area and this is the top objective of the program. We need to develop a way of thinking that forest production is a tobacco farmer’s business. Without wood, there is no tobacco curing. However, beyond the demand by the sector, farmers could also get organized to diversify with forest production, thus earning extra income”, he argued.  Professor Dr. Jorge Farias, coordinator of the program at the UFSM, contextualized the demand of the wood industry. According to him, there are some remarkable bottlenecks when it comes to introducing family farming into the wood market. “As the farmers possess small farms, land availability is one of the problems that make it difficult to plant trees, and the same holds true for the transport logistics of the production. At the same time, we witness a sector extremely concerned with the supply of wood of legal origin, while the farmers strongly demand wood. The solution goes through the creation of cooperatives or associations capable of articulating this market, and the tobacco sector could be a protagonist in this process. The forest component should become an integral part when it comes to establishing a rural property, as an alternative source of income”, Dr. Farias commented. Other forum participants include Rômulo Trevisan, engineer and PhD holder professor at the UFSM; and Vitorio Slompo, coordinator of RS Dexco Forestry Operations, on energy efficiency of the different tree species and the operation of the wood market.

12 | DEC . 2023


New cargo theft tactics is the topic addressed at a meeting of heads of security agencies

December 2023 – The security committee of the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco) had a meeting with representatives of the public security agency of Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), on Tuesday, December 12. For five years now, the sector has kept an eye on transportation safety and on the prevention of losses caused by cargo thefts, through the adoption of preventive measures. In 2019, the sector recorded 26 occurrences in the entire South Brazil Region, in 2022, there were only 8 occurrences, and only one of these occurrences took place in Rio Grande do Sul. In 2023, there were six occurrences: four thefts of raw tobacco cargoes and two of processed tobacco (in containers) destined for export. SindiTabaco president Iro Schünke commented on the good results achieved in the past growing seasons with the decrease in cargo thefts, in particular, thefts of tobacco transported from farm gate to processing companies, or to the point of purchase. “We keep the transporters aware, insisting on the necessary precautions, but this new theft tactic focused on processed tobacco cargoes is cause for concern, considering that intense movement of containers is expected over the next months”, he argued. The theft of two containers of processed tobacco heading for the port of Rio Grande took place in similar way and in the same region, along the BR 471 road between Pântano Grande and the BR 392 road, a well-known export corridor of the sector, but these are remote and dead zone places where there are no mobile phone signals. The prevention of new occurrences was the main target of the meeting between the representatives of the associate companies and Major Marcos Migotto Carneiro, Commander in Chief of the Regional Military Police; Regional Police Chief Officer Luciano Fernandes Menezes; and lieutenant Marcio Fontoura, from the Highway Police Department. The scheduled actions include patrols on specific stretches of the road, in particular, specific stretches when shipping containers are intensively transported, limitation periods for road traffic hours, pre-defined stops, organizing truck convoys or use alternative routes, DAER officials should be contacted  with an eye on the best routes to follow. According to chief police officer Menezes, investigation has progressed considerably, but in the meantime, we have to follow the security policy and procedure manual. “We already have a perception of authorship and they are no beginners”, the police officer says. The exporting companies, along with the transporters, are evaluating operational improvements for reducing the time it takes for the containers to arrive at the port, so as to avoid, for example, evening transportation. “If evening transportation is absolutely necessary, the companies can previously contact the security organs asking for an escort to accompany the truck”, police officer Menezes reinforced. The representatives of the Military Brigade insisted that speedy exchange of information and, if possible, prior to the departure of the truck, could be decisive for favorable results, especially in the so-called dead zones, with no cellphone coverage. More guidelines on the management of transport risks can be accessed at a folder devised by the SindiTabaco Security Committee, available site www.sinditabaco.com.br. Photos: Divulgação   Contact with press MSL Andreoli Eliana Stülp Kroth – eliana.stulp@mslgroup.com – (51) 3713-1777 / (51) 99667-7405 Giovana Reis - giovavana.reis@mslgroup.com – (11) 99178-3414 Thais Thomaz – thais.thomaz@mslgroup.com – (11) 98904-1366 www.mslgroupandreoli.com.br

26 | OCT . 2023


CONICQ is questioned at a round table at the House of Representatives

October 2023 – The National Commission on the Implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (CONIQ)  was the target of questionings at a round table promoted by the House of Representatives, in Brasília. With the participation of deputies, entities linked to the tobacco supply chain, entrepreneurial leaderships and representatives of the federal government, the meeting was held in hybrid format, on Thursday October 26. The criticisms directed at the Commission, led by Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, include failure to disclose the calendar of the meetings and the documents under debate; the fact that the farmers, the ones that are most affected, are not allowed to attend the meetings; failure in giving publicity to the minutes and deliberations. From November 20 – 25, Brazil will attend the 10th Conference of the parties of the FCTC, to be held in Panamá. Questioned about the next meetings and the transparency to CONICQ’s deliberations, which could affect thousands of tobacco growing families in Brazil,  Vera only commented that the positions of the Brazilian delegation are discussed internally and are of restricted character. Still according to her, Brazilian government stances and negotiations remain restricted until fully negotiated. “CONICQ has no deliberative character, nothing is decided without the approval of the President of the Country”, she declared. According to her, the production of tobacco will not be addressed at COP 10 and this question is not a part of the treaty. “There is no mention of any action that could have direct impacts on the supply chain”. At the same time, she affirms that global demand for tobacco is gradually dropping. We are here to make this transition to happen in the least painful way, in the medium and long run”, she added. About the chances to attend the Conference, Vera was emphatic. “We have had a very strict policy in denying access to the cops to people who are not credentialed and people who have a conflict of interest. The secretariat, based  at the WHO headquarters, has the credentials to deny the participation, if some kind of relationship with the industry is at stake”, she explained.  In past editions, there were forced evictions of parliament members, representatives of entities linked to the tobacco farmers and even journalists that covered the event. Iro Schünke, president of the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco), backed up the other representatives in their request for more transparency. “Today were told here that there are fakenews circulating about the COP 10, that there has never been any attempt to endanger the production of tobacco, but we know that this is not true. The truth has to come out: there is no other dictatorship in the world like the Framework Convention. We see a methodical battle against the production of tobacco, it suffices to recall what the antismoking activists said in May, at a campaign open to the entire Brazilian population, embarrassing farmers and warning them to stop producing tobacco and start growing food crops. They accuse the sector of deforestation, but it is the segment that has the biggest forest areas; they maintain that the tobacco farmers are going through a situation of vulnerability, but  the research conducted by CEPA/UFRGS effectively attested  the opposite; they say that demand for the product is declining, but the historical average attests to stable tobacco production and exports in Brazil. Those who spread such lies, surely do not know the sector”, the chief executive officer commented in his participation. BRAZILIAN STANCE – Ricardo Pires, deputy chief at the Global Health Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), commented that it is a temporary agenda and will be approved by the Parties on the first day of the Conference. About the Brazilian position, he commented that it is not the Itamaraty that defines the position of Brazil in this case and that the CONICQ, for the fact that it relies on inter-ministerial support and there is a prediction based on a decree, is the forum for it. He also stressed that, should there be any interference in the production of tobacco, the Brazilian delegation, representing Brazil at COP10, is going to respect the interpretative Declaration signed when the FCTC was ratified and sets forth the protection of tobacco farming in the Country. Nonetheless, what is a cause for concern for the leaderships of the sector is the fact that in other COPs the Brazilian delegation was in favor of restrictive measures to the tobacco supply chain, which did not come to fruition due to political pressure. Issues that have already been on the agenda include, for example, restrictions that affected production, the organization of representative entities of the sector, technical assistance and credit lines for family farmers and the planted area. TO KNOW – Brazil has been the top tobacco exporter for 30 years now. In the past season, according to data from the Tobacco Growers' Association of Brazil (Afubra), out of the 1,191 municipalities in the South Region of Brazil, 490 produced tobacco. The total number of families involved with the crop amounts to 125 thousand, with a gross income estimated at nearly R$ 11 billion. In terms of comparison, the performance of tobacco, in financial terms, is equivalent to 6.37 hectares of soybean and 7.66 hectares of corn. Know more at: www.sinditabaco.com.br Watch the broadcast   PhotosDivulgação   Contact with press  MSL Andreoli Eliana Stülp Kroth – eliana.stulp@mslgroup.com – (51) 3713-1777 / (51) 99667-7405 Giovana Reis - giovavana.reis@mslgroup.com – (11) 99178-3414 Thais Thomaz – thais.thomaz@mslgroup.com – (11) 98904-1366 www.mslgroupandreoli.com.br